alpha characteristic is the attribute an individual portrays in any given
social situation of leadership. More importantly becoming an alpha male or
alpha female becomes a life style change.
lets explore the concept of leadership and how a leader acts. A leader is a;
- A protector,
- A provider,
- A friend,
- A decision maker,
- A healthy being who is desired.
traits that umbrella off from the alpha characteristic are important to portray
when expressing and sharing your personality in social scenarios. But why?
Because these specific traits help demonstrate a successful partner for dating
which of course is attractive to most people so let’s see what these traits
actually portray;
- Protection,
- Safety
- Fun and enjoyment,
- Social status,
- Healthy offspring
- Adventure
this blog we will investigated the three main traits to focus on well making
that step towards showing and becoming the alpha. These are; Health, Wealth and
are the three qualities’ an individual will subconsciously look for in their
search for a partner. Whilst we continue into more detail these traits, it
would help to have an evolutionary psychological perspective and think back to
a time where survival was the main aim. Between the three attributes they cover
all survival needs required from both sex perspectives.
moving on with the details lets now together breakdown healthiness in
socializing and dating.
healthy and representing a healthy lifestyle is actually very easy and cost
virtual no money. When we are talking about portraying healthiness we are
referring to a healthy life style and a hygienic personal cleanliness. Being healthy on the inside will show and
shine through on the outside, especially when social interacting. Showing good
health will reassure others that you may produce a healthy offspring and
maintain a healthy relationship. A very attractive trait to possess as
mentioned previously. If you eat well and drink lots of water your skin will become
radiant and therefore looks healthier. You will get less spots, less blackheads
a healthy shin of skin. Shower and exercise regularly. Remember going for a
walk is good exercise, you don’t have to go to the gym and commit to
membership; just get some fresh air and rays of sun. Small life choices like
these can instantly and easily be seen by others or even shared by your-self in
conversation when meeting new people. This
will encourage others to complement you also. All validation from others increases
your overall confidence as a person and we all do want to date a healthy
on, lets now breakdown wealth and the perception and truth about expressing
wealthy has very little to do with money, just a perception. This small comment
and truth is one of the most important things about social interaction that
people seem to miss, so for the sake of this blog let us repeat this comment
and truly acknowledge and appreciate it.
wealthy has very little to do with money, just a perception.”
an individual is successful in terms of finances and ambition, his partner will
also feel prosperous, due to their shared achievements, a decent financial
background, a well-paid career, a nice car and big house again shows
protection, fun, safety, adventure. However and this is important. There comes
a time in a relationship where the long term plans and financial securities
becomes an important conversation to have when dating however, this is
generally after the first year of dating (in my personal opinion) as certainly
is not relevant until then.
let’s now look at simple cost effective ways of portraying a wealthy and
prosperous you. Simple and small things like ironing your clothes, dressing
smart and keeping your shoes polished or clean can give your appearance a sense
of wellbeing. Wearing jewelry and small accessories can also show and expose
how you have disposable income; I like to wear wooden beads on my wrist. Also
wearing aftershave or perfume also shows disposable income as well as
expressing a sense of health and cleanliness. These are all important for the
initial first meet and impression as you appear to demonstrate subtle wealth.
This wealth signifies a sense of security and a prospecting future and this is
very attractive as an alpha characteristic.
finally lets explore Friendships and relationships with others.
By surrounding
yourself with friends and new acquaintances, you will portray popularity. This
in turn is attractive as again it shows security. Through having many friends
your survival skills substantially increases due to your ability to protect.
This is a trait that shows you’re sociably accepted henceforth obtaining more
attention through validation also. Not being aggressive with others and
understanding and listening will help any conversation with people more fluent.
Taking the time to be polite to staff and making a lasting impression will also
help to express that social acceptance. The simple aim weather going out with
friends you already have or going out to make new friends is to be likeable.
This doesn’t mean change your opinions and beliefs to match others, its just
simply mean to be sympathetic, empathetic and understanding when conversing
with others.
Wilder is a fictional character within a film whom is portrayed as a selfless
man willing to help others such as the failing sports team. What makes him
appealing is that he does it out of charity and gives his time to others and
therefore is respected and loved by all in the college. If you have not seen
the film Van Wilder I do recommend watching it.
don’t have to help everyone in your town or throw
money at people to buy friends, however you can be generous with your time
through performing good deeds.
- Help someone who has just dropped their bag
- Help a neighbour with the shopping from their car
- Support causes around your town you agree with like charities
of the above are small noble deeds which take as little as five minutes but will
be remembered for a lifetime subsequently talked about by others, thus
increasing your popularity.
are all simple ideas shared towards being and showing your alpha characteristic
when socializing and all of us have the recourses to do so and portray to
others that we are ALPHA MALES or ALPHA FEMALES.
for reading guys and girls and have a wicked week. Love you all, Daz