I, like many other's, like to pick up the controller more often than I should. I have kept myself very busy these last few years and now a time in my life has come where I have a little more “me” time available.

It started a few months back when I found myself in the envious position of having a fair bit of extra money available from doing overtime at work. I decided to treat myself to a (nearly)new Xbox 360. With fallout 4 being released this year I decided to buy a copy of fallout 3 to get into the mood and flow with the excitement being generated around release videos and Facebook talk.
Now here's the problem. I find it very easy to now pick up the controller whenever I have a free five or ten minutes.
Last week on my day off my one goal was to do the ironing, a simple job that should only take an hour or so. I thought, like so many of us do, I would have a quick go on the Xbox before starting. Midway through killing something or other my phone rang and I was invited to meet a friend for a pint of diet coke in the sunshine. Strangely,for me, I declined the invite as I was still playing my game and I had still not started the ironing. As I put the phone down and continued my game I realised I had just missed a perfect opportunity to experience “life” at no cost to myself or anyone else for no other reason but to play a computer game.Who knows what kind of fun could be had on a sunny day like that? What kind of interesting new people could I possibly interact with all on the promise of one glass of diet coke?
I immediately rang her back and accepted the invitation to meet her at the park in 20 minutes time. We had a great catch up, laughed a lot and made plans to do it all again in a few days time.
There is no great end to this story. No great adventure and no anecdotes I can remember from the time that will stick with me till the day I die. However, what I did get from this situation, and what I hope to show you reading this is that you should say yes to life! If I had stayed in to play my game and iron, I would have played for far too long and completely forgotten to iron. Instead I chose to meet up with my friend and achieve a sense of immense happiness and joyfulness. I got some clean fresh air and a bit of healthy exercise from the walk, I laughed a lot and more importantly I said yes to an opportunity that will not be there tomorrow whereas the Xbox will be!

Since then I have decided to say yes to almost everything like I used to and really start enjoying myself and my journey through life instead of merely being content and watching the world go by.
Do I want to go for a walk up the hill with a friend? YES!
Do I want to cook dinner for some friends? YES!
Do I want to accept this invitation to an NLP seminar? YES!
What I am basically saying here is this: If you, like many others do, Enjoy playing computer games, That'sOK. But put down the controller when the opportunity presents itself.
The Xbox will be there tomorrow, the opportunity will not...
Thanks for reading!
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